I am the kind of a mom that adores to decorate my sons birthday from the scratch! That means table settings,from forks to flowers,his picture frames with the birthday themes,baloons,invitations,candy bar cookies but also hand made gift bags! In one of my next posts i will write about “Minion Theme”birthday party we threw to Aris last year and all the goodies that i have made.
It’s that time of the year when everything is blooming,the spring is here and his birthday is just around the corner!And i am getting giddy..lol!As you understood until now-i love to make things,to get all handy!I love to involve my son in all the things i want to make-and he loves it!For this blog post i decided to write to you about how to make an easy but elegant gift bags for your kids birthday!You know-It’s these bags that you give to your guests once your birthday party is finished-as a gesture of appreciation for participating.Now,for me-even this small bags make a difference!They need to n nice! I don’t like giving away my presents in plastic bags-not only ’cause they don’t look beautiful-more so ’cause they are so bad for the environment!
This cute little brown paper gift bags with a little blue tie on them are absolutely adorable!And super easy to make!All you need to do is have some imagination!
Gift paper bags with a blue tie
How to ?
Buy a simple paper bags in brown cartoon colour. Take a big piece of white material that little ballerinas use for they tutu and cut them in a straight stripe shape.Wrap the tutu material around your paper bag like this:
Step 2 – Buy a beautiful piece of blue silk ribbon and cut it in shape of a small boys tie! Attach it to your paper bag with a stapler.
Step 3 –Cut the small hearts from the collage paper that for sure you have in your kids drawer and glue them to the upper piece of your tie.
Step 4-Finish it up it pinching it with a small pinch in beige colour!Isn’t it cute!?
I love making all kinds of gift bags,i just find this so amusing and creative!In next blog posts is will write about birthday theme parties and all diy projects around them!
so cuteeee
prepi na to dokimaso! thanks for the post!
How cute is this post!??