Hey girls ! If you are reading this post – most probably you are a female – but no boys are excluded as well ! i mean , why not – i always say – men should also give more attention to skincare than they do , but most of them are shy , and it’s kind of sweet and funny . Anyways , for all my girls out- (there  and some not so shy boys ) i am recommending one homemade facial mask that i use frequently , not only cause it is effective – but also it is very easy – and all the ingredients for sure you have in your kitchen . This effective and super easy mask is good for brightening of your sking , but also it leaves your skin feels velvet and smooth .

All you need is

-HONEY ( 2 table spoons  )

-LEMON (2 table spoons )

-OAT , quaker ( 3 table spoons )

How to use ?

Mix well all the ingredients in a boll and apply to your clean face . Leave it about 10 minutes and wash it with not so hot water . Voila ! So easy ! Your skin will feel  like baby face ”  again , and it will be brighter cause of the lemon touch  and more youthful  .

Try it on !!! So easy ! I do this twice a month ! I have used this mask more frequently when i had melasma after my birth .