Master Cleanse is successfully done,i feel energised,satesfild and most of all glowing!My skin became brighter and i dropped few kilos as well! I feel lighter and just so good about myself.I m writing this blog for all you girls who asked me bunch of questions on my instagram and i want to guide you trough how to “ease out” after you finish your cleansing!Very important thing to know is that you can’t just stop master cleanse and go back to your regular diet.It is quite dangerous after 5 or 10 days of cleansing to start eating solid foods fast.Smoothies and juices are going to be on your menu 3 days after cleansing.Let me tell you-you will actually crave them! It is exactly what your body will need, you wont even have a need to start eating solid!As far as i am concerned,i love this days when i am juicing!I feel excited cause i reached my goal-and the taste of fresh fruits squeezed is all i need.So take it slow and drink only smoothies and juices for 2 days.Third day you can start drinking soups.

Let me tell you the recipe of the most delicious smoothie i drink after my cleansing!


Banana almod milk smoothie


Yum.Believe this taste will be like heaven to your mouth after days of sweet and sour taste of lemons and maple syrup. Banana and almod milk just blend so well.All you need is:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • almond milk
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • a bit of honey

Blend it all well and enjoy the divines of the rich milky taste.Very important fact is that you have to use almond milk-never cows milk after the cleansing!Enjoy girls ! And ask any question you like ! Cheers !